
Our Ministries

Ministry is about giving of ourselves.

The giving can be in many forms including the giving of our time, our finances, our love, our blessing, our talents, and our resources.  The people of Lynnhaven are giving people. We are all called to minister to others.

Children Ministry

Student Ministry

Adult Ministry

Missions Ministry

How to Get Involved

How do you get involved in our church?

First of all, thank you for being will to serve. Lynnhaven is an active church and we always need help somewhere. 

Find out where help is needed at the present time. You may ask the pastor, a department head, or a program director.

Consider your talents and skillset. God made each of us different with unique talents for a specific purpose. 

Using that talent for God’s work will be the most rewarding thing you can do at Lynnhaven.