Lynnhaven Baptist Church


Mission of the Church

Lynnhaven Baptist Church Exists To Develop and Deploy Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ Into a Lost World


We gather together as believers to worship the one true and living God. We worship God through corporate singing and the faithful preaching of God’s Word.

Our goal is to glorify God in our worship by responding to who He has revealed himself to be through the ages and ultimately in Jesus Christ.


We believe the church exists to make disciples who are equipped to carry out the ministry to which God has called them. Thus, we work hardily to ensure that all individuals from children to adults are discipled.


We believe the body of Christ is tasked with three mission. First, WORSHIP. Second, DISCIPLESHIP. Third, making disciples of all nations.

Glorifying and enjoying God leads to a desire to reach the nations for Christ, that they may also glorify and enjoy him. Therefore, we are a church that works to reach those who are far from God by reaching out with the gospel.