We exist to glorify God as one of His many glorious showcases on earth!
Lynnhaven’s Values Statements: The following core values define who we are as a church and guide how we carry out our mission.
Christ as Head: We acknowledge Christ’s absolute authority over the church. We rely on his leadership as we seek to serve Him (Col. 1:15-20).
Biblical Faithfulness: We strive to preach and teach God’s Word with integrity. We recognize that it is the means of salvation for the lost and the means of growth for believers in Him (Rom. 1:16; 2 Tim. 3:16).
Authentic Worship: We strive to be worshipers who worship in spirit and in truth. We desire for every person to recognize the greatness of God through our worship so that they, too, may see His gloriousness and respond in faith and worship (Jn. 4:24).
Fellowship: We strive to provide an atmosphere of Christian love and friendship that encourages and challenges all to grow in Christ through relationships within the church (1 Thes. 5:11).
Serving: We strive to reflect Christ to the world by serving with humility, grace, forgiveness, and love. We strive to create a culture that continually focuses on the needs of others and discovering ways we can serve them even when it costs us (Phil. 2:6-11).
Lost People: We strive to care for those separated from God because of His love for the lost. We strive to create a culture that recognizes the needs of the unchurched and seeks to minister to them by pointing them to Christ through any Christ-glorifying means possible, knowing the church does not exist for us but for God’s glory as we reach the lost (Jn. 3:16).
Discipleship: We are working to develop a culture of strong discipleship where believers are intentionally challenged to become more obedient to Christ, use their gifts and talents to edify the church, grow deeper in their faith and serve others with humility inside and outside the church (2 Tim. 2:15).
Lynnhaven Baptist Church Exists To Develop and Deploy Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ Into a Lost World
We worship in response to the glory of God in our worship as He has revealed himself to be through the ages and ultimately in Jesus Christ.
Discipleship is the purpose of every believer. We make disciples intentionally through weekly Sunday School, Discipleship Intensives, Wednesday Night Children ministries, and KidMo during church.
We believe the body of Glorifying and enjoying God leads to a desire to reach the nations for Christ, that they may also glorify and enjoy him. Therefore, we are a church that works to reach those who are far from God by reaching out with the gospel.